NJ Criminal Defense Attorney
Any encounter with the criminal court system can be frightening. Most defendants are unfamiliar with the criminal justice system and have no idea how to proceed, how to protect their rights, or what will happen to them. Instead of feeling out of control and risking a more serious outcome than necessary, you should contact the Law Offices of Daniel R. Danzi as soon as possible after an arrest.
Attorney Daniel R. Danzi has extensive experience with criminal cases, both from the prosecution and the defense sides. Mr. Danzi previously worked as a Judge Advocate General in the military, which included both prosecuting cases and providing skilled defense assistance to soldiers facing charges. Additionally, he worked as a civilian prosecutor for four years. This experience has allowed him to see all sides of the criminal process and brings this unique perspective to help every client facing charges.
There are different levels of criminal charges in New Jersey, depending on the severity of the allegations in a particular case. Lesser offenses, or disorderly persons offenses (similar to misdemeanors), are handled in municipal court. The charges that are handled in county criminal court are referred to as “indictable offenses” and are similar to felony charges in other states. Indictable offenses are divided into categories of fourth, third, second, or first degree, with first degree being the most serious. However, even fourth degree crimes can carry serious penalties and a conviction can have a lasting effect on your life. If you have been arrested and charged with any type of indictable offense in Mays Bend, your very first call should be to a highly experienced criminal defense attorney who knows how to protect your rights.
Some of the charges we can defend include the following:
No matter what type of charge you face, you should call to find out how our office can help you as soon as possible.
Any type of indictable offense charge in Mays Bend is a serious allegation and a conviction can have a huge effect on many aspects of your life. The specific consequences that you may face will depend on the nature and severity of the charges against you. Some of the maximum court-imposed penalties for indictable offenses include:
The above penalties can be increased if the court believes any aggravating circumstances existed during your offense.
In addition to penalties issued by the criminal court, there are many other effects that a criminal conviction can have. The conviction will go on your permanent record and will be visible to anyone who conducts a background check. This can significantly limit your job opportunities, eligibility for certain professional licenses, and can even prevent you from getting financial aid for school. In addition, if you ever face another criminal case in Mays Bend, the sentence can be substantially increased based on your prior conviction. For these reasons and more, it is always best to avoid a first conviction for an indictable offense whenever possible.
Fortunately, at the Law Offices of Daniel R. Danzi, we have the resources and experience needed to defend against your charges. You can depend on us to fully investigate your case and present any and all legal defenses that may apply. Some common defenses can include self-defense, an alibi, mistaken identity, violations of your constitutional rights, and many more. We know how to review every part of the prosecutor's case and challenge it whenever possible. We will also work closely with you and help you make the often difficult decision whether to plead guilty or go to trial. You can trust that we will never push you into a wrongful guilty plea simply to avoid having a trial, as we will always work for the fair and just outcome for every client.
Criminal charges in NJ are a serious matter and you deserve a personalized and effective criminal defense from your attorney. Our team is committed to providing nothing but the best representation, so please do not hesitate to contact our office so that we may begin working on your case as soon as possible.